Saturday, June 11, 2011

Robert Plant...

Robert Plant is in the house. These are the guitars Buddy Miller will play soon.

Buddy Miller appeared back stage with his long-pointed shoes on and I said damn I want a picture of that. I just got back in from Key West this week as I write this. On the trip on the planes I was reading the Keith Richards book "Life" which I have had for a while with no time to read it. Well I got through most of ithe book on this trip. He makes mention of the "long boots" in this book. I thought they were cool as hell. I love Rock and Roll.

Let me set this scene up for you. We were told to not speak to any of the band. We were told to not take pictures when the band members arrived. I was one of twelve people back stage during this show. There were two Wilkes County Sherriff deputies at each entrance guarding the doors. I had my stage shirt on so I could come and go. It was a lock-down I have not seen the likes of since Steve Martin was here last year. More in a moment....