Friday, February 13, 2009

Don't Try This at Home Kiddies...

JD was "working" his collection of Gibson guitars last night. Here is a guy who has those massive hands perfect for playing guitar. He was cranking the tuner peg on this guitar so hard he even made a disclaimer at the end of the song that "you should not try that at home...many times the string will break." I was thinking I should have tossed him some safety glasses at one point during at song. I just knew the string was going to break in a very violent way at any moment...The strings held up and it was a very cool performance. Nice tuning dude.
Speaking of tuning. At one point JD looked down and saw a light on his tuner on the floor. He started into a side story about how he liked to drive Volvos at home. He mentioned his old friend PJ Newman and how Paul was flying past some millionaire dentists on the track at Daytona once. In a R series Volvo Wagon He said the Dentist came in from a run, slammed his helmet into the wall after parking his high dollar Porsche and said " I give up, I was passed by an old man in a wagon!" After that JD said he knew the R series was for him...anyway he mentioned the light on the tuner reminded him of the dash light on his he was winding the turbo one day the light comes on and says "Stop and drive safely to the dealer." I liked his thought. "What if it is the brakes?"
After the show we got into a conversation about another mutual interest. Formula One racing. This night could have lasted forever.